Monday, June 27, 2011

If you write, Seth Godin has this advice for you

With a little help from George Orwell.

Writing Naked.

Tony Mariani

Monday, June 6, 2011

7 wasted words in your ads

"There has never been a better time".

Tony Mariani

Saturday, June 4, 2011

QR Codes

QR codes have been around for a number of years.

They are beginning to pop up a lot more in advertising pieces. I am not sure they are being used properly. This morning I saw at least three newspaper ads with a QR code.

The images tend to be very small and almost crammed into the ad.

Each one of those QR codes I clicked on took me to the home website. "But we did get them to our webpage". Yes but your sites weren't set up for a mobile device and that's another story.

QR codes should have some sort of call to action. How about a QR code showing a menu and an offer like free appetizers (yes you can store the QR code in your mobile device).

Or how about a video of a couple of your used vehicles you want to move that weekend.

Create QR codes that are different.

Otherwise drop the QR code when your website address will do.

Tony Mariani