Monday, October 25, 2010

Category-focused, product-focused or client-focused. Which are you?

Some great tips on ad content in this week's Monday Morning Memo from Roy Williams, the wizard of ads..

Tony Mariani

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How would you take this ad

Ads for alcohol seem to have a comedic slant to them.

But I am not sure about this one for Canadian Club.

I would assume that this guy almost got caught by the woman's husband.


Lived to re-tell it?

That is so far out there, the person who thought this up and better yet the person from Canadian Club who approved the ad, should be out on the ledge.

Tony Mariani

Monday, October 4, 2010

Do you believe newspapers are at death's doors?

Interesting Ted talk from a newspaper guy? Media guru? No, Jace Kutko is an architect turned art designer and he has done some interesting things with newspapers in Europe.

Tony Mariani

Sunday, October 3, 2010